7:00 PM19:00

Anthropocene 2019 Exhibition_May 4 - 26, 2019_www.anthropocene2019.com

Recent art exhibition curated by Kathy Varadi


Anthropocene is an art exhibit about how humans have profoundly affected the landscape of the earth since the Industrial Revolution. The term Anthropocene is a recently described epoch in geological history. It is not an official designation but is a name given by global change activists to the recent time period of formidable changes made by humans on the earth. The artwork in this exhibit reflects the artists’ observations and response to how humans have changed the nature of the earth. 

The global environmental crisis is so huge that it can be overwhelming for the individual. For things to change it may have to be done collaboratively. This spirit of collaboration is reflected in this art exhibit with the invitation to artists from all disciplines and departments throughout Savannah College of Art and Design. In addition, all levels of experience from students to alumni to professors and staff are represented. 

Local as well as global environmental issues are addressed such as recovery and preservation of the Savannah River and Coastal Georgia. Much has been done to call attention and awareness to the dilemma of global climate change, so this exhibit strives to present solutions and demand change now. Ideas and artworks are presented in many formats and styles: 2D, 3D and audio/video/installations. 

The spirit of the Anthropocene exhibition of 2019 can be summed up in the words of Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Greta Thunberg when she spoke to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Katowice Poland when she said, “You are never too small to make a difference.”

This exhibition was hailed as “a timely, eloquent, visually virtuosic experience” by SCAD president and founder Paula Wallace. It also received outstanding accolades in “Go Savannah” and “Connect Savannah.”

Lisa Lebofsky, “Melting Iceberg”, 2015, oil on aluminum panel, 25 x 40 inches

Lisa Lebofsky, “Melting Iceberg”, 2015, oil on aluminum panel, 25 x 40 inches

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SCAD Painting Winter Showcase
6:00 PM18:00

SCAD Painting Winter Showcase

The SCAD Painting Department invites the public to view the Winter 2019 Showcase at Alexander Hall, 668 Indian Street, Savannah GA 31401.  This event slated for Friday, March 1 and celebrates the university's painting students in Savannah.  Pieces from graduate and undergraduate students are displayed and visitors can tour the students' individual studio spaces. Kathy Varadi resides in Studio C-3 on the second floor.

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to Oct 1

"Figure/Ground Exhibition" at Gutstein Gallery

SCAD presents "FIGURE/GROUND," a juried exhibition featuring the work of SCAD students, alumni, faculty and staff.

Gutstein Gallery, 201 East Broughton Street, Savannah (at far end of SCAD Library across from Leopold Ice Cream)

July 26 through Saturday, September 6, 2018/10am-6pm M-F/10-5 Sat/Closed Sunday/

Includes works by Kathy Varadi

Archer, 2017, Photoprint on paper, 18" x 24".

Archer, 2017, Photoprint on paper, 18" x 24".

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4:00 PM16:00

Celebrate Painting- B.F.A. Exhibition

Browse the best work of the class of 2018 at this annual juried exhibition. Featuring works in a range of media, the painting B.F.A. exhibition showcases the talent of SCAD seniors in traditional and contemporary methods of painting, as well as innovative conceptual approaches.


Please join me at my Senior Exhibit.

Please join me at my Senior Exhibit.

Kathy Varadi, Self Poor Trait, 2017, Acrylic and tape on canvas, 24" x 30" on exhibit

Kathy Varadi, Self Poor Trait, 2017, Acrylic and tape on canvas, 24" x 30" on exhibit

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6:00 PM18:00



"What if Trump becomes an artist?......What if Trump pushes the button?

Savannah College of Art Senior Exhibition by Kathy Varadi and Sylvin Harris

Oglethorpe Gallery, 406 East Oglethorpe Avenue, Savannah GA 31401

**RECEPTION: May 19, 2018 6-9pm**  

GALLERY OPEN FOR VIEWING: May 18-20, 2018 9-2pm.

Exhibition is free and open to the public, Free refreshments


Bring a flashlight or head lamp

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